🚨 Biden Replacement Talk

Good evening . Today's newsletter was edited by Citizen Frank.

Did you watch the debate?

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CF Polls

Poll results will be in tomorrow's newsletter.

Do you believe President Biden will be replaced as the Democratic candidate for the upcoming election?

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Polls results from yesterday.

Who won first presidential debate?

🟦 🟦 🟦 🟦 🟦 🟦 Trump (100%)

⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ Biden (0%)

Trump: “Almost felt sad for Biden. The people surrounding him including his wife should be ashamed for putting this elderly man with dementia through all this. ”

Trump: “Biden looked dazed. Told about 10 lies in opening minutes. Biden boldly lied on about all issues he had too his record is abysmal. Trump could have done better. He didn't always answer the questions but the questions were slanted against him.”

Trump: “Mr Trump won the debate by keeping his cool and letting Joe Biden ramble. It was a sad, but people finally have to admit what most of us have known for four years, Biden isn’t fit for the office of president. ”

Trump: “Trump won the debate by a huge landslide, the same that he will win the election by IF biden can make it to November. After 5 days of training, he lost complete train of thought within the first 10 minutes. Trump knew facts and figures off the top of his head; very sharp! Big lie: biden said no service members live's were lost during his term in office. What about the 13 Marines that died in Afghanistan? You know, when he was taking out the military first and left citizens to fend for themselves along with leaving $90 BILLION worth of the finest military equipment in the world, in perfect condition that the Taliban sold to the Chinese and probably Russians too?! ”


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