🚨 Pentagon Leaker Busted

Good evening. It's Tuesday, October 22.

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CF Polls

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Polls results from yesterday.

Do you believe the current investigation into ActBlue and potential foreign funding will lead to significant findings?

🟦 🟦 🟦 🟦 🟦 ⬜️   Yes, there will be major revelations (85%)

🟦 ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️  No, it will likely not uncover much (15%)

Yes, there will be major revelation: “I believe they will find something, but with the current administration’s ties to corruption, it probably will go nowhere.”

Yes, there will be major revelation: “Yes it will. But the current biased DOJ ( Department of Injustice ) will do nothing. Nothing to see here folks - we investigated our criminal activities and found no criminal activities. We are living in the most lawless version of these United States in history and it's disgusting. ”

No, it will likely not uncover much: “No matter what is found, the people "benefitting" will not be held accountable.”

No, it will likely not uncover much: “I feel it be more of the same. Start an investigation and it will get covered up.”


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