🙌 Princess Kate 'Cancer Free'

Good morning. It's Monday, September 9.

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CF Polls

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Polls results from yesterday.

If the 2024 election were held today, who would you vote for?

🟦 🟦 🟦 🟦 🟦 🟦  Donald Trump (99%)

⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ Kamala Harris (1%)

Donald Trump: “When Trump was president we had lower gas prices, lower grocery prices, lower household bills. We were actually safer and the country was booming. As soon as Biden/Harris took over our 401ks started to crash, crime has been at an all time high, groceries are so high, we can’t even afford to buy what we want. Gas and electricity is outrageous. There are so many illegals in our hospital waiting rooms, that it doesn’t matter which state you go to, if you are a tax paying citizen, you will be at the end of the line. ”

Donald Trump: "Mean tweets" or not, my life was better under Trump's leadership then it has been under Harris this last nearly 4 years. He could manage the economy, immigration, crime, world stage. She has only known how to sleep her way into power. Look at the current administration's policies and realize, things are not changing if Harris becomes president. Afterall, she has said that she is "the last one in the room" with Biden!”

Donald Trump: “Harris owns the last, almost 4 years, of the disasterous state of our country. She now is walking back on all her crazy liberal ideas. However, she stated on CNN, "my values have not changed". She's not going to change. Between her word-salads, her fake voices, her crackle, she's pathetic. How is the world going to see us as a strong country. They won't, unless Trump gets back in to office and closes the border, making those who steal, kill, attack, and extort responsible for their crimes. The human trafficking, the drugs, all have put our country to shame and pain. Ever since Obama, this country has been so divided. Look at Taylor Swift, she can't be friends with "her beastie" since she "liked" one of Trump's posts. How pathetic is that? And again, this goes all the way back starting with Obama.”


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