🔴 RESULTS: Mexico Election

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Polls results from yesterday.

How do you feel about Donald Trump joining TikTok?

🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 🟩 ⬜️ I support Trump joining TikTok (80%)

🟩 🟩 ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ I oppose Trump joining TikTok (20%)

I support Trump joining TikTok: “It's a move that just might get TikTok banned in the US. But, if not, he'll be able to reach younger voters. I think it's a good idea for his team to join every network possible to get the word to the widest audience. HE himself won't remain active on those accounts, but his team can spread word for him using his accounts. I hate TikTok, and am not an advocate for that platform, don't even have an account there...But, he has to take the MAGA word where the people are, even if it's "behind enemy lines."

I support Trump joining TikTok: “Not a fan of TikTok, but of all the critical times in American History, NOW is one those times that require us to go bare knuckles against an evil enemy, not pussy foot around and virtue signal. Do what ever is required. Our lives depend on it.”

I oppose Trump joining TikTok: “He knows how dangerous the app is; that's why he tried to get it banned in the first place. His joining now meansone of two things. Either he's trying to prove a point by creating the account in order to show how popular he is, even among the users of the app he tried to ban. Or he's finally caved to the pressures of the CCP and he's showing support for the app in order to do Xi a solid and get the ban reversed once reelected. No matter the reason, it's not a smart move.”

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