💥 Russia's Deadliest Strike

Good morning. It's Tuesday, September 3.

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CF Polls

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Polls results from yesterday.

How do you feel about the U.S. seizing Nicolas Maduro’s presidential plane?

🟦 🟦 🟦 🟦 🟦 ⬜️  Support the action (84%)

🟦 ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️  Oppose the action (16%)

Support the action: “Masduro should be bodily removed from office and allow the people to live in peace.”

Support the action: “Confiscated I’ll gotten goods, sounds about right to me.”

Oppose the action: “Why are we meddling in other countries problems when we can't even get our own sh*t together? ”

Oppose the action: “No crime was attributed to Maduro therefore no cause exists for seizure of Venezuelan property .”


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