🏛 SCOTUS Warns Biden

Good evening. It's Sunday, August 4, and today's newsletter was edited by Citizen Frank.

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CF Polls

Poll results will be in tomorrow's newsletter.

Do you support Trump's proposal to cut income taxes on Social Security benefits?

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Polls results from yesterday.

Do you believe immigration has made the UK less safe to live in?

🟦 🟦 🟦 🟦 🟦 🟦 👍 Yes (95%)

⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️  👎 No (2%)

⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️  🤔 I don't know (3%)

👍 Yes: “Unfettered immigration coupled with illegal immigration has destroyed the UK’s NHS, all social support programs, as well as their spiritual culture. The woke elites live in a secure bubble unaware and uncaring for the results of their decisions. When a government becomes so disassociated with the actual tax paying citizens it leads to dissatisfaction. When that same government then blames those who speak out against their policies to the point of creating a two tiered system of policing it enrages the populous. They have reached the point where they don’t feel they have anything else to lose. An extremely dangerous place to be!”

👍 Yes: “Not just the UK, but the rest of Europe also. One has several Muslim friends who are really very habitable individuals. But the Radicals are a ever present danger: Omar, Tlaib. It is the radical Muslims who are backing Hamas instead of Israel. English should be the official language of the Unitec States. One is so sick of hearing Spanish and other languages. But then California is a stupid state, led by a very stupid idiot governor. If we don't get rather nasty, we are going to lose out country to the bad sides. Who knows who is coming into this country, condoned by those fools in Washington, D. C. ”

👍 Yes: “I have learned over the years that Nobody will take care of your home (UK or USA) like you will. They will put holes in walls, break furniture, mark up the hardwood floors, leave grease caked in the oven and on top of the stove, will let food rot in the refrigerator, track food all over the house so bugs won't leave. Let their dog and cat live like kings while your new carpet is pooped on and fleas make beds everywhere. The UK, like America is "home" for many great people and has a great history; however, immigrants do not care about your home, they only want what they can get for free and never have to work. (Just my opinion) May God Bless ”

🤔 I don't know: “I have not been in the UK since 1979. I have no way of knowing what it is like. From what I have seen on TV, however, it definitely looks less safe. France looks even worse, but I have no firsthand knowledge.”


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