Sydney Mass Stabbing

Good Morning

Today's top stories for you.

✝️ Today's Verse for You

I can do everything through him [Christ] who gives me strength. —Philippians 4:13

My thoughts on today’s verse

I don't know about you, but I know I've grown soft and spoiled because of all the conveniences I have allowed into my life. If these conveniences were to vanish suddenly, could I, would I, honor God with my praises and thanksgiving? I sure hope so. I am committed to doing so. I want to be like Paul and live with the assurance that I can withstand any situation with the help of Christ Jesus — even if it is imprisonment and the abandonment of friends as Paul was facing.

My prayer

O God, my strength would fade without you, and my confidence would fail. Thankfully, I will never have to worry about this because your grace, your Spirit, and your Son. These strengthen me and help me weather any storm. I believe you will never abandon me. Thank you, in Jesus' name. Amen.

⏱ This Day in History

Alfred Dreyfus imprisoned on Devils Island

Accused of selling military secrets to Germany and convicted in an irregular trial against a backdrop of anti-Semitism, French officer Alfred Dreyfus was imprisoned this day in 1895 on Devils Island, off French Guiana.

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