⚱️ Thomas Crooks Cremated

Good evening. It's Thursday, August 15, and today's newsletter was edited by Citizen Frank.

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CF Polls

Poll results will be in tomorrow's newsletter.

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Polls results from yesterday.

Should women be allowed to serve in the Secret Service?

🟦 🟦 🟦 ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️  👍 Yes (43%)

🟦 🟦 🟦 ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️  👎 No (46%)

🟦 ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️ ⬜️  🤔 Unsure (11%)

👍 Yes: “As a retired leo i have no problem with women serving. A breast feeding agent should not be assigned to a security detail. If that agent should be assigned she need to request to be removed as she can not satisfactorily perform her assigned duties at that time.”

👍 Yes: “IF QUALIFIED. I’ve witnessed some female law enforcement officers well qualified for the position they held and others not so much but there are also men in positions they should not be in. Bottom line, don’t fill a position in any situation based on race,gender or sexual identity. Fill the position with qualified individuals based on merit and character.”

👎 No: “As a woman, and a military veteran, there are some jobs that we should not have. Unless they have the attitude and build of Gina Carano.”

👎 No: “Secret service should be men only like it use to be. Because of the nature of the work, a man is stronger Physically, if it comes to having to lift someone up, stand in front of a President who is much taller than a woman. It should only be a mans job.”


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